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Services for individuals

Debt recovery in Austria and Germany

Typically we provide debt collection for our clients when the debtor leaves the Slovak Republic and starts his business or employment in Austria or Germany. Also in the case of trade receivables where the debtor is an Austrian or a German company.

Fields of expertise
Extrajudicial debt recovery
Drawing up a European order for payment
Judicial debt recovery in cooperation with a partner law firm in Austria or Germany
Communication with the partner Austrian or German law firm about the status of the matter and reporting to the client
Drawing up an application for enforcement of judgment in Austria and Germany
Representation in the enforcement procedure in Austria and Germany
Everything you need to know

How does debt recovery in Austria and Germany work?

Extrajudicial debt recovery consists of drafting a pre-action demand for payment that we send to the debtor. This document is a demand for the debtor to pay the amount owed to our client, including a notice that this is the final attempt at extrajudicial settlement of the matter and that failure to pay the amount owed within the designated time period will result in the initiation of court action to recover the debt.

Before a court action can be initiated in a case with a foreign element (the debtor is abroad), the following must first be determined:

  • jurisdiction of the court = in which state will the court have jurisdiction to evaluate the creditor’s claim
  • governing/applicable law = is the creditor’s claim governed by Slovak law or by Austrian or German law